Alley Cat Bookstore and Gallery.3036 2th St .SF.
Opening night.- March 6th 7-10 pm, Free.
Live Auction .-Sunday March 29th 6-8pm.
Closing .- March 30th.

Originally from Mexico City Txutxo has been living and working in the Bay Area for the last 18 years , his artwork I not the traditional for a latino artists, in his art he build bridges to other cultures and communities and also make use of last century vanguards methods like from the Dada or the Surrealism, particularly the “Automatic Writing” but using visuals and icons instan of words.Altought some of this elements comes from Asian Manga, American pop and Mexican Popular culture and a good dosis of punk attitude . In this way Txutxo creates bold pieces that aim directly to the spectator’s subconscious triggering emotions, memories, or past situations corresponding to cultural background, gender, or not, age or ethnic or social origins.

Either in the almost mininmalistic use os te gold and black colors, resembling the tattoo, our in the colorful prints Txutxo’s artwork is a fresh air in the Mission’s Art Scene.